Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The most scrumptious meal in Phnom Penh

Every morning outside my room, I would see these little huts set up down below, in the wee hours of breakfast time. Soon after, they would vanish after selling out all their goods. 
One lady had rice porridge with scary sardines, which I tried/was very painful for 2 reasons: 1) it was disgusting, and 2) all the locals sitting there were staring at me wondering why I could barely finish half of it.
The next food stall however, had one of the most memorable meals on my trip. It included rice, sliced plain omelette, sun-dried sweet scrumptious pork, with a side of sweet and sour chilli sauce, and finally, pickled vegetables to compliment the salty goods on your plate. 
I don't know why this all goes so well together, but just replace your bacon with even better pork, and your toast with rice, and you got yourself the way better version of an American breakfast. 

The chef of the dish.
That rounded silver donut shaped bowl she has contained the final dressing sauce for the dish, which was amaaazinggggg. 

That multicoloured umbrella is the food stall!!

True meals on wheels 

Phnom Penh 

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