Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Egg wrapped dumplings recipe

Egg wrapped dumplings

100g minced pork
small handful of mint leaves chopped
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped (or chives if desired)
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp black pepper
1 tsp oyster sauce

Also needed
2 eggs + pinch salt
1 TBSP peanut oil (or veg oil)
1/4c water

Beat eggs + salt, and set aside. Mix filling ingredients and set aside. 
Heat oil in wok, then pour 1 tbsp of egg mixture into oil, and let it cook a bit to prepare it for the filling (making like a mini omelet). After about 30 seconds, add one tbsp of pork mixture onto one half of the omelet (not the centre). Fold over the egg to make a half mood and press the edges to seal it down. Move it to the side of the wok and repeat process. If you do not have a wok, remove it from the pan. When you finish, place all the dumplings back into the work, pour water (add more if you are using a very wide pan), cover and cook on lower heat for 3 minutes so pork filling cooks. If the filling feels firm when poked at, your dumplings are ready. Voila! Serve with hoisin or a nice rich chinese sauce. 

The filling and egg mixture
Pressing down the sides after being flipped over

Adding water before covering it to steam


1 comment:

  1. What an adventure!

