Saturday, January 28, 2012

Mango sticky rice 2 ways

I absolutely love this dessert.
It's not jam packed with any funky preservatives. Just simple, light, original and scrumptious. It's best eaten the day it's made, since leftovers are not as exciting.

I learned this dessert in Thailand and Cambodia, so I will share both recipes.

For the glutinous sticky rice...

Sticky Rice

The first and only challenge is getting that rice cooked.
It needs to be soaked for at least 3 hours or overnight and then steamed. After 10 minutes you should flip it halfway through, and cook further till done.
 In Thailand they have awesome bamboo contraptions to properly steam it, but to make it more home friendly, I found some links to give you some options:

link: Cooking Method
           Place a pot of water on the stove, with a fine mesh trainer on top to place rice onto. Then find a proper covering lid so the least amount of steam can escape. 

Note on coconut milk: look at ingredient listings for less preservatives and high extract percentages. I recently tried the AROY-D brand and it was fantastic. It's ingredients were 60% coconut extract, water.

Thai Mango Sticky Rice (serves 2-3)

I cup of sticky rice
1 cup coconut milk
1/4 cup palm sugar or brown/white sugar
1/2 tsp salt
2 ripe mangos, cut up for nice presentation

Cook sticky rice as instructed previously.
Heat coconut milk, sugar and salt till all dissolves. Pour over sticky rice and mix gently so it soaks up the milk.
Use an ice cream scooper or mini bowl to present on a plate, and decorate with mango.


Cambodian mango sticky rice (serves 3-4)

1.25 cup sticky rice
1 cup coconut milk
1/4 cup sweetened condensed milk
1/4 cup palm sugar, or 3 tbsp sugar
pinch of salt
3 ripe mangos

Cook sticky rice and set aside.
In a pan, place both milks, sugar and salt and cook, stirring, till it lightly browns / caramelizes. Turn off heat, and mix in cooked sticky rice. Transfer to serving dish and mould to whatever shape you want.

Have fun with presentation! 
Fun ideas: Finish off with toasted coconut,
Add food colouring if you want to go crazy!
google search plating ideas

The Thai way of steaming

Siem Riep

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