
Friday, January 20, 2012

Banana flower chili salad

I never heard of banana flowers until this cooking class. They have a nice crisp texture and no distinct taste. You can find it in local asian grocery stores, and make sure to take off the first thick layer of skin, as well as the core root (like in cabbage), and the little fingerlike strands. Soak it in some lime or lemon water so it does not brown, then squeeze it out and use. 
Note: you can also keep the outer layer for plate presentation, and you can substitute the flower for more carrots, green papaya, or any other fine shredded vegetable. 

How to get that nice fine shred on your veggies? 
Use the fine shred on a mandolin,
hit up a local asian store and buy the julienne peelers

serves 2-3

1/2 banana flower
1/2 large carrot, shredded
1 shallot, thinly sliced
1/2 sweet red chili, thinly sliced in rings
4 branches thai parsley, chopped
handful whole thai basil leaves
1/2 tsp sugar
1/2 tsp chicken stock powder
1 heaping TBSP chopped roasted peanuts

Mix all the vegetables, and when your dressing is ready, season the vegetables with chicken powder and sugar, then add the dressing and peanuts. 


1/4 cup water
2 TBSP palm sugar (or brown sugar)
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 lime, juice
2 tsp fish sauce (optional)
Finely chop together:
- 2 cloves garlic
- 1/3 sweet red chili
- 1 shallot
- 2 tsp coriander stem

Stir palm sugar in a hot pan, then add finely chopped mixture. Fry for 1 minute, then add water and bring to a boil for 1 minute, stirring. Turn off the heat add fish sauce and salt, then transfer to a bowl, and add lime juice.

Note: I find using chicken stock powder a bit weird, you can omit and replace with a little more salt. Also, if you can purchase palm sugar in a soft, gewy state, that is what we used in the cooking class. 

The salad ingredients 

What chopped banana flower looks like! soaking in lime juice and water
cut up ingredients
Dressing chopped mix
Chopped mix into the palm sugar
Top: papaya salad ingredients, right: banana flower salad ingredients.  

Siem Riep

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