
Monday, October 3, 2011

Antoine's village day 2

After following Antoine by motorbike in the pouring muddy rain, we stopped at his friends hut, to collect a massive sac of locally grown potatoes. 
We sat under his delicate palm leaf roof with about 8 children, grandma, several ducks, chicks and chickens, hoping the rain would stop...
but never did.
Was it worth it?
Also worth being stuck under a hut with adorable little children.
My first time trying this kind of potato. 
Dense, satisfying, starchy, with a hint of sweetness. It's of the breed of 'camote' (sweet potato), but not the orange inside kind, and was teardrop shaped. 
Coffee + snacks = happiness
This is Ginataang Bilo Bilo
Colour comes from the purple yam, which is in a coconut mildly sweet sauce, with cassava and sago (tapioca pearls). 
I'd say nice and mild. 
Happy me

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