Sunday, January 8, 2012


After visiting so many other Southeast Asian countries, Cambodia seems to be the cheapest (one hostel was 1$ a night for dorms), least populated (due to khmer Rouge tragedies), and most brutal in terms of heat. The biggest pitch that i got from tuk tuk drivers was the need to feed their families. 
Some people find Cambodia boring and some fall in love, and stay there for much longer then planned. 
Street food was a challenge, mostly because of heat and fear for bacteria. In thailand, everything is fried fresh on the spot, verses in Cambodia, everything sits in bowls and pots waiting to be purchased. 
But! I took an awesome cooking class with fantastic food, so I look forward to sharing the recipes in future posts. 
Monks walking past the Royal Palace in Phnom Phen.

Route inside Angkor Wat

View from my room in phnom Phen

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