
Monday, March 19, 2012

The Great Wall of China

Smog Smog Smog.
As soon as it rains, the smog goes away, then slowly comes back, ruining all your pictures. 
The great wall was a fantastic experience. You have several section options to visit, which are in increasing order of being touristy. We originally wanted to go to Simatai, but due to its poor conditions it was closed. The next best option I can recommend was Mutianyu. You have a choice to take the gondola or walk. We decided to walk, which is about 1 hour of walking up stairs, and maybe longer depending on how many breaks you take! Once you reach the wall, there are more and more patches of stairs, but for some reason its additive to go further and further. 
By far the best work out of your life! Bring good shoes. 

My friends and I made it to the unrestored part, which was so rewarding. We met an awesome couple opening a bottle of wine and shared it with us! 
We did it!
Note: bring wine for celebration on the great wall!
See those stairs at the top right in a blur? Yeah, I walked those! (picture bellow)

The ultimate more stairs from hell once already being ON the wall, leading to the unrestored part

 Unrestored part of the wall
Having wine with our new friends at the unrestored part of the wall!

Great wall of China

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