
Saturday, March 3, 2012

Chinese fried eggplant

Ignore that orange thing, I do not know what it is!

Yangshuo style Eggplant

**1 any eggplant (sliced like in the photo below)
2 cloves garlic
1 big TBSP minced ginger
2 spring onions sliced
2 TBSP cooking oil (we used peanut)
1 tsp black bean and chilli paste (or regular black bean paste + any chilli you want)
2 tsp oyster sauce
1/4 cup water

Heat up oil in wok. Add eggplant and fry until browned (press on the slices as you cook to speed up the process). Reduce heat and add garlic, ginger, chilli paste until you smell it. Turn up heat, add water, then oyster sauce. Turn off the heat and toss with spring onions. Note: water is added before oyster sauce so it doesn't burn the pan. 

**Tips for cooking: Yes, eggplant does absorb oil, but it does not mean you need to add tons of it. Eventually the water will come out when it is cooked. If you are having trouble with browning at the bottom of the pan, add some water and scrap it off as you cook it.


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