
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Beijings famous Peking Duck

If there is one must eat in Beijing, it's Peking Duck!

The sweet, oh so caramelized crispy skin, with juicy insides, comes with thinly sliced scallions, hoisin and sweet black bean sauce, and little wraps to assemble everything together. This was my first and only time having peking duck, and I was so surprised to see a Chinese dish using a wheat wrap concept!
It was the most expensive item on the menu, but well worth it!

Listen to this!
Apparently the first Peking Duck restaurant was in Beijing, in 1416 called 'Bianyifang', and is STILL running today!
Check them out:
Before that, it was a popular Imperial menu item for the Emperor of China. 

Slicing up the duck in the dining room for us!


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