
Friday, January 13, 2012

BB1: Westview Bible Churches extended family

After getting confirmation from everyone required to meet the little munchkins at the orphanage, I left Siem Riep and set off for the little town of Battambong. 
It's not much of a town for tourists, but meeting our extended church family was a time I will never forget. I never met these kids before, and halfway out of the car, I have about 7 hands locked onto my arms, welcoming me with so much love and priceless smiles. We danced, we drew, we played games, I attempted to teach some english, and of course, ended up extending my visiting plan. 
They did not let me do much in the cooking department, but whatever they made was always scrumptious. 
I hope to go back again soon.
Read more on BB1 via Asia's hope organization: Asia's Hope BB1


Team work!

And you complain about your kitchen?

:) !!!


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