
Sunday, September 4, 2011

Thank God His Son is from Nazareth. Otherwise I'd never have ventured to this heavenly place!

After being in Tiberias for some time by the Galilee, 2 people from my hostel were so kind drive me all the way to see the place where Jesus grew up, Nazareth.
I started with the recreated 'Jesus village', where they actually have people dressed up like back in the day. I did the tour with this cute little Amish family that came along at the same time.

Then, my stomach cried out... and I found, according to the locals, the best spot in town. I was assured by several people before going in, and the family that sat next to made a point to say, this is the best!

I wanted a falafel.

and a falafel I got.

all dressed.

oh so pretty


A must go if your ever in town!

These konafe and baklava delights, were presented in window displays, in MOUNTAINS, all over town.. no matter how full I was, I had to try some... and it was nutty, crispy, honey caramelized, syrupy goodness... I could have had 5 more...

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