
Friday, August 26, 2011

Sweet Corn Malasa - Hampi Anniversary festival

The most crowded festival I have ever seen in my life! So insane that instead of taking the boat across the river to the festival, we put our lives in danger and swam across the nasty fast current waters that divides Hampi in the middle of the night! 
Thank God for wet sacs...
No one looked confused as the white people arrived drenched in water...

I'd have to say one of my best adventures with Maegan and Hose!

And the festival was amazing. It was dancing, singing, exploding with street snack options, and even a fake plastic animal zoo. Which was rather strange...

Maegan explains it all !

1 comment:

  1. Wow Monica. It is great to see all your beautiful photo's here! I will be checking back again for some delicious inspiration.
    chelsey xo
